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Code Styleguide

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Code Styleguide

Common code style decisions that you must know before becoming a contributor.


File structure

The standard is to use pattern:

// ✅ Good
|__ tests
| |__ component.test.tsx
| |__ component-composite.test.tsx
|__ stories
| |__ component.stories.tsx
| |__ component-composite.stories.tsx
|_ index.tsx
|_ component.tsx
|_ component-composite.tsx
|_ component.context.tsx
|_ component.state.ts

Prevent the use of React.FC

The use of React.FunctionComponent (or the React.FC shorthand) is discouraged to type the component props. If you need to type children explicitly, use React.ReactNode. Some good reasons why.

// ✅ Good
interface Props {
title: string
children?: React.ReactNode

function Component(props: Props) {
// ...

// 🚨 Bad
interface Props {
title: string

const Component = React.FC<Props>(props) {
// ...

// 🚨 Bad
interface Props {
title: string

const Component = React.FunctionComponent<Props>(props) {
// ...

Avoid param destructuring

Prefer destructuring on the component's body.

interface Props {
title: string
// ...

// ✅ Good
function Component(props: Props) {
const { title } = props
// ...

// 🚨 Bad
function Component({ title }: Props) {
// ...

Avoid inline types

Always prefer creating an interface or type for the component props.

// ✅ Good
interface Props {
title: string

function Component(props: Props) {
// ...

// 🚨 Bad
function Component({ title }: { title: string }) {
// ...

Avoid inline extension

Avoid extending other types within the function param directly. Prefer extending or compose a new type for a cleaner code.

// ✅ Good
interface Props extends SomeTypeA {
title: string

function Component(props: Props) {
// ...

// ✅ Good
type Props = SomeTypeA & SomeTypeB

function Component(props: Props) {
// ...

// 🚨 Bad
function Component(props: Props & SomeTypeA) {
// ...

Avoid too much nesting

A deep directory nesting can cause a lot of pain points, so you must avoid it as much as you can.Link.

Prefer named exports

Named exports are preferred over default exports.

// ✅ Good
export function Component() {
// ...

// 🚨 Bad
export default function Component() {
// ...


File structure

All test files must follow the *.test.(ts|tsx) pattern, where * shall never be index. Use the tests directory to store all the test files.

// ✅ Good
|__ tests
| |__ component.test.tsx
| |__ component-composite.test.tsx
|_ index.tsx
|_ component.tsx
|_ component-composite.tsx

// 🚨 Bad
|_ index.tsx
|_ component.tsx
|_ component-composite.tsx
|_ component.test.tsx
|_ component-composite.test.tsx


Prefer tokens

Always prefer to use tokens instead of hardcoded values.

// ✅ Good
bg: '$primary',
padding: '$xs',

// 🚨 Bad
bg: '#fff',
padding: '8px',

Prefer shorthands

Prefer props composition and shorthands.

// ✅ Preferred
bg: '$primary',
paddingX: '$xs',
size: '20rem',

// 🚨 Not wrong, but can be improved
backgroundColor: '$primary',
paddingLeft: '$xs',
paddingRight: '$xs',
height: '20rem',
width: '20rem',

Prefer responsive aliases

Responsive aliases are preferred over custom media queries and responsive arrays. The main reasons for this are performance and semantics.

// ✅ Good
padding: '$xs',
'@tablet': {
padding: '$s',
'@desktop': {
padding: '$m',

// 🚨 Bad, not semantic
padding: ['$xs', '$s', '$m'],

// 🚨 Bad, not consistent
padding: '$xs',
'@media screen and (min-width: 40em)': {
padding: '$s',
'@media screen and (min-width: 80em)': {
padding: '$m',

Avoid parent styles

While coding an app it doesn't matter, but if you are within a library this is a bad practice! The user will not be able to customize the child's style without the !important flag. So, you must avoid it.

// ✅ Good
padding: '$m',
<h1 className={csx({ color: '$primary' })}>

// 🚨 Bad
padding: '$m',
h1: {
color: '$primary'


Writing stories

In admin-ui we use storybook as our playground to develop components.

File structure

Always use the stories.tsx suffix. Otherwise, it will not work. Use the stories directory to store all the story files.

// ✅ Good
|__ stories
| |__ component.stories.tsx
| |__ component-composite.stories.tsx
|_ index.tsx
|_ component.tsx
|_ component-composite.tsx

// 🚨 Bad
|_ index.tsx
|_ component.tsx
|_ component-composite.tsx
|_ component.stories.tsx
|_ component-composite.stories.tsx

Naming conventions

Common naming decisions that you must know when developing or designing with Admin UI.

Error Messaging

Represented by the Critical Tone, an error message alerts people of a problem that has occurred and informs them what to do next.

It appears after someone has taken an action. The message draws the user's attention to what has happened and provides guidance to move forward. Optionally, they can also include why something happened and whether the problem will occur again.

Code Usage

You must use the error property to represent the critical state, and the errorText property to define the message that will provide guidance to the user.

error: boolean
errorText: string