This library is still in development and is available only for internal usage at VTEX.
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Version: 0.133.0



FilterBar is DEPRECATED and will be removed on the upcoming release.

A component that represents a list of statements that when combined it filters a data.

interface Filters<T> {
/** FilterBar statements */
statements: Statement<T>[]
/** FilterBar conjunction */
conjunction: Conjunction




import { FilterBar } from '@vtex/admin-ui'


The FilterBar statement is a combination of a filter, a condition, a value, and a conjunction. Important to note that the conjunction value is shared along with all statements.

* @generic T: Type of statement value
* @generic R: Type of resolvers
interface Statement<T, R = BaseResolvers<T>> = {
/** Statement condition */
condition: Condition
/** Statement Filter */
filter: Filter<T, R>
/** Statement value */
target: T


Represents the Boolean logic that must be applied between the statements

type Conjunction = {
/** Conjunction label */
label: string
/** Conjunction value */
value: 'and' | 'or'


interface Filter<T, R = BaseResolvers<T>> {
/** Filter label */
label: string
/** Filter id */
id: string
/** Filter conditions */
conditions: Condition[]
/** Filter resolver */
resolver: R


You can use this feature to apply predefined filters more easily. For example, you can render a simple select filter without implementing the component from scratch, you just need to pass the requiring properties to our Simple resolver. Check the examples below to go further.


Use this when you want to render a simple select filter.

interface SimpleResolver<T> {
* Resolver type
type: 'simple'
* Defines the path to the select item label
* @default 'value'
accessor?: string
* Select items
items: T[]
* Filter default value. When the filter is added it will be the first value applied.
defaultValue: T
* Custom filter render props
render?: (props: ResolverRenderProps<T, JSX.Element>) => ReactNode

Check also:



Use this when you want to create your specific filter that isn't defined in our resolvers.

interface RootResolver<T> {
* Resolver type
type: 'root'
* Filter default value. When the filter is added it will be the first value applied.
defaultValue: T
* Custom Filter render props
render: (props: ResolverRenderProps<T, null> => ReactNode

Check also:


Common Resolver Interfaces

* Resolver render props
* @generic T: Type of statement value
* @generic D: Type of data
interface ResolverRenderProps<T, D = null> {
data: D
/** Respective statement value */
statement: Statement<T>
/** Respective statement index position on FilterBar */
index: number
/** Function that handles the respective statement value change on FilterBar */
handleValueChange: (value: T, index: number) => void


It is represented by the filter conditions.

interface Condition {
/** Condition label */
label: string
/** Condition id */
id: string


It is represented by the filter resolver.


FilterBar component has a lot of internal labels that need to be translated. The way we do this translation, for now, is using properties that add values to these labels.

IMPORTANT NOTE: This is a workaround and it may change in a near future.


interface InternalLabels {
* Conjunction dropdown aria-label
conjunctionLabel: string
* Filter dropdown aria-label
filterLabel: string
* Condition dropdown aria-label
conditionLabel: string
* Statement menu aria-label
statementMenuLabel: string
* Add filter button label
addFilterLabel: string
* Apply filter button label
applyFilterLabel: string
* Clear filter button label
clearFilterLabel: string
* Duplicate statement button label
duplicateStatementLabel: string
* Delete statement button label
deleteStatementLabel: string
* First statement conjunction label
whereStatementLabel: string


Hook that manages the state logic of the FilterBar component. It receives two parameters that define the component's initial state: conjunction, and statements.


conjunctionConjunctionFilterBar initial conjunction-
onApply(filters: Filters<T>) => voidRender props function that is called when the user hits the apply button-
statementsStatement<T>[]FilterBar initial statements🚫[]
filtersFilter<T>[]FilterBar filters🚫[]


labelstringFilterBar label. It appears when there are no statements-
internalLabelsInternalLabelsSet of FilterBar internal labels-
stateUseFilterBarStateReturn<V,T>Object that manages the component state logic-
conjunctionsConjunction[]FilterBar conjunction options-
csxStyleObjectCustom styles🚫{}
resolversRecord<String, Resolver<V, T>>FilterBar resolvers🚫baseResolvers<T>()