This library is still in development and is available only for internal usage at VTEX.
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Version: 0.132.0


We believe that progress comes from experimentation. So, recently released components often start as experimental. This helps us evolve the components' APIs using our user's feedback.

Using experimental features

Experimental features have the experimental_ prefix. To use them in your code, just change the name in the import.

import {
experimental_Component as Component,
experimental_useHook as useHook,
experimental_utility as utility,
} from '@vtex/admin-ui'

Best practices

Before using experimental features, try to follow the best practices to avoid problems and enhance maintainability.

Use exact versions

Experimental features can introduce breaking changes on patches and minors. To avoid problems, use the exact version of the library in the package.json file.

"dependencies": {
- "@vtex/admin-ui": "^0.118.0"
+ "@vtex/admin-ui": "0.118.0"

With yarn

yarn add @vtex/admin-ui --exact

Create abstractions

You can make it easier to update experimental features later by abstracting them into a separate file in your app.

For example, say you're using an experimental_Component. Instead of passing this prop every time you use Component, you can abstract Component into a separate file and define an API that the rest of your app will rely on.

// MyComponent.js
import React from 'react'
import { experimental_Component as Component } from '@vtex/admin-ui'

function MyComponent(props, ref) {
return <Component unstable_prop={prop} {...props} ref={ref} />

export default React.forwardRef(MyComponent)
// OtherComponent.js
import MyComponent from './MyComponent'

function OtherComponent() {
return <MyComponent />

If something changes on that experimental feature, you can simply update MyComponent instead of going through your entire app.