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· 11 min read



Below you can check the new updates, but you should also check the documentation to understand the improvements. ​

  • Using the Admin UI theme just got easier. The createSystem function is not needed anymore, just import the ThemeProvider directly.
  • The way of styling a native JSX element was also simplified. Now, it is possible to import directly from admin-ui a function called csx to create a className with the styles. The csx function only uses the default theme under the hood.
  • The ThemeProvider provides a new prop called experimentalTheme for those cases when you need to override the default theme and meet some specific design requirements. The experimentalTheme prop will receive the new theme object.
  • The ThemeProvider provides a new boolean prop called experimentalDisabledGlobalStyles to disable all the default global styles and enable the use of your own global styles.
  • The colors and typography theme tokens are now parsed to CSS variables.



import { createSystem } from '@vtex/admin-ui'

const [ThemeProvider] = createSystem()

function Root() {
return {
{/* your app ... */}


import { ThemeProvider } from '@vtex/admin-ui'

function Root() {
return {
{/* your app ... */}

csx function

// import the csx function
import { csx } from '@vtex/admin-ui'
function Example() {
return (
bg: '$primary',
'button + button': {
marginLeft: '$s',


1. Theme:

function RootComponent() {
const customTheme = {
colors: {
// all colors styles
fonts: {
// all font styles
// other theme props...

// Use at the root of your app
return (
<ThemeProvider experimentalTheme={customTheme}>
{/** your app code here */}

2. Global:

function RootComponent() {
// Use at the root of your app
return (
<ThemeProvider experimentalDisabledGlobalStyles>
{/** your app code here */}

Tokens as CSS variables

Button inspect then


Button inspect now


Deprecated tag.[el]

To reduce the library footprint, and enhance cohesion, the tag factory is deprecated. You should use Box instead. We have a codemod to help you with this migration:

npx admin-ui-codemod tag-to-box


// your styles


// your styles

fg alias

The csx accepts fg as an alias for color:

fg: '$primary',

Is shorthand for:

color: '$primary',

colorTheme util

The csx accepts colorTheme as a utility to apply color and background values of the same palette.

colorTheme: 'blue',

is shorthand for:

color: '$blue10',
backgroundColor: '$blue60',

negative util

Negative values and tokens are threatened as edge cases by the csx. You need the negative function for this kind of transformation.

import { negative } from '@vtex/admin-ui'

function Example() {
return (
marginLeft: '-1rem', // custom values work normally
marginRight: negative('$s'),

Colors as tokens

The bg and fg accepts colors from the palette as tokens.


import { color } from '@vtex/admin-ui'

function Example() {
return (
bg: color('blue60'),


bg: '$blue60',

Responsive Property

Now in the layout components, you can use something similar to the responsive aliases within the component props. We call it Responsive Property. This is a replacement for the deprecated Responsive Arrays.

space={{ mobile: '$l', desktop: '$2xl' }}
fluid={{ mobile: true, tablet: false }}
direction={{ mobile: 'column', tablet: 'row' }}



Below you can check the new updates, but you should also check the documentation to look for new features.

New Features

  • It is possible to set columns to be fixed when scrolling horizontally. You just need to set the column prop fixed to true.
  • New resolver called menu to easily render a column with a Menu component and a set of actions.
  • New resolver called bulk to add a bulk actions to the table. It is an easier way of using the new BulkActions component within the Table.

1. Fixed columns

const state = useTableState({
columns: [
id: 'id',
fixed: true, // 1st fixed column
resolver: {
type: 'selection',
mapId: (item) =>,
id: 'name',
header: 'Name',
fixed: true, // 2nd fixed column
resolver: {
type: 'text',
columnType: 'name',
mapText: (item) =>,
// Other table columns...

2. Menu resolver

const state = useTableState({
columns: [
// Other table columns...
id: 'menu',
resolver: {
type: 'menu',
actions: [
label: 'Edit',
icon: <IconPencil />,
onClick: (item) => {
label: 'Delete',
icon: <IconTrash />,
onClick: (item) => {
setItems(items.filter((i) => !==
// Other table columns...

3. Bulk resolver

const pagination = usePaginationState({
pageSize: 100,
total: 5,

const bulk = useBulkActions({
pageItems: items,
pageSize: pagination.pageSize,

const table = useTableState({
columns: [
id: 'id',
resolver: {
type: 'bulk',
state: bulk,
id: 'name',
header: 'Product Name',
// Other table columns...

Bulk Actions

Now you can use the BulkActions component to perform actions in a set of items. You can use it standalone or within the table. Check the documentation


Below you can check the new updates and breaking changes, but you should also check the documentation to learn about new features and usage examples.

New Features

  • Filter status (loading, empty, not found, error), that can be set by the developer.
  • "Optional filters" feature, witch allows filters to be initially hidden and have the visibility controlled by the user.
  • New optional onClear callback on useFilterGroup
  • Composable components API that enables custom features or behaviours.

Breaking Changes

  • Filter, FilterSearch, FilterMultiple and FilterSearchMultiple no longer exist, all of them can be implemented using the new composable filter components.



function Filter() {
const state = useFilterState({
items: [
{ label: 'Available', id: '#1' },
{ label: 'Sold out', id: '#2' },
onChange: () => {},
label: 'Status',
return <Filter state={state} />


function Filter() {
const filterState = useFilterState()

return (
<FilterDisclosure state={filterState}>Status</FilterDisclosure>

<FilterPopover state={filterState}>
<FilterOptionRadio id="#1" label="Available" />
<FilterOptionRadio id="#2" label="Sold out" />
<FilterFooter />



function FilterMultiple() {
const state = useFilterMultipleState({
items: [
{ label: 'Full', id: '#1' },
{ label: 'Empty', id: '#2' },
{ label: 'Half empty', id: '#3' },
onChange: () => {},
label: 'Status',
return <FilterMultiple state={state} />


function FilterMultiple() {
const filterState = useFilterMultipleState()

return (
<FilterDisclosure state={filterState}>Status</FilterDisclosure>

<FilterPopover state={filterState}>
<FilterOptionCheckbox id="#1" label="Full" />
<FilterOptionCheckbox id="#2" label="Empty" />
<FilterOptionCheckbox id="#3" label="Half Empty" />
<FilterFooter />



function FilterSearch() {
const state = useFilterState({
items: [
{ label: 'Rio de Janeiro', id: '#1' },
{ label: 'New York', id: '#2' },
{ label: 'Paris', id: '#3' },
{ label: 'Tokyo', id: '#4' },
{ label: 'São Paulo', id: '#5' },
{ label: 'Berlin', id: '#7' },
{ label: 'Washington', id: '#8' },
{ label: 'Lisboa', id: '#9' },
{ label: 'Porto', id: '#10' },
{ label: 'João Pessoa', id: '#11' },
{ label: 'Salvador', id: '#12' },
{ label: 'Barcelona', id: '#13' },
onChange: ({ selected }) => console.log(`applied: ${selected.label}`),
label: 'City',

return <FilterSearch state={state} />


function FilterSearch() {
const filterState = useFilterState({
searchableList: [
{ label: 'Rio de Janeiro', id: '#1' },
{ label: 'New York', id: '#2' },
{ label: 'Paris', id: '#3' },
{ label: 'Tokyo', id: '#4' },
{ label: 'São Paulo', id: '#5' },
{ label: 'Berlin', id: '#7' },
{ label: 'Washington', id: '#8' },
{ label: 'Lisboa', id: '#9' },
{ label: 'Porto', id: '#10' },
{ label: 'João Pessoa', id: '#11' },
{ label: 'Salvador', id: '#12' },
{ label: 'Barcelona', id: '#13' },

return (
<FilterDisclosure state={filterState}>Status</FilterDisclosure>

<FilterPopover state={filterState}>
<FilterSearchbox />
{ => (
<FilterOptionRadio {...item} />
<FilterFooter />




function FilterMultipleSearch() {
const state = useFilterMultipleState({
items: [
{ label: 'Rio de Janeiro', id: '#1' },
{ label: 'New York', id: '#2' },
{ label: 'Paris', id: '#3' },
{ label: 'Tokyo', id: '#4' },
{ label: 'São Paulo', id: '#5' },
{ label: 'Berlin', id: '#7' },
{ label: 'Washington', id: '#8' },
{ label: 'Lisboa', id: '#9' },
{ label: 'Porto', id: '#10' },
{ label: 'João Pessoa', id: '#11' },
{ label: 'Salvador', id: '#12' },
{ label: 'Barcelona', id: '#13' },
onChange: ({ selected }) => console.log(`applied: ${selected.label}`),
label: 'City',

return <FilterMultipleSearch state={state} />


function FilterMultipleSearch() {
const filterState = useFilterMultipleState({
searchableList: [
{ label: 'Rio de Janeiro', id: '#1' },
{ label: 'New York', id: '#2' },
{ label: 'Paris', id: '#3' },
{ label: 'Tokyo', id: '#4' },
{ label: 'São Paulo', id: '#5' },
{ label: 'Berlin', id: '#7' },
{ label: 'Washington', id: '#8' },
{ label: 'Lisboa', id: '#9' },
{ label: 'Porto', id: '#10' },
{ label: 'João Pessoa', id: '#11' },
{ label: 'Salvador', id: '#12' },
{ label: 'Barcelona', id: '#13' },

return (
<FilterDisclosure state={filterState}>Status</FilterDisclosure>

<FilterPopover state={filterState}>
<FilterSearchbox />
{ => (
<FilterOptionChecbox {...item} />
<FilterFooter />

Toast component review

New Features

  • Now you can replace an active toast with another one. Only a single toast with a given id is visible at once and you can use it to reduce the number of toasts on your app. Check the documentation

Breaking Changes

  • The tone property has changed to variant
  • Now all the toasts are dismissible by default, you should use the dismissible prop with the value false to change it.


const showToast = useToast()

tone: 'critical',
message: 'Type a short message here',
dismissible: true,
action: {
label: 'Action',
onClick: () => // do something,


const showToast = useToast()

variant: 'critical',
message: 'Type a short message here',
action: {
label: 'Action',
onClick: () => // do something,

Card component review

Added CardHeader, CardInfo, CardTitle, CardActions, CardContent, and CardImage composites. You can use them to help you implement card layouts while reusing the definitions from the design team to the spacing and positioning of the elements.




// Basic example

// Full example
<IconImageSquare />
<Tag label="Short text" />
<Button variant="tertiary">Label</Button>
<Button variant="secondary">Label</Button>

Flex component review

Now all of the custom properties have the type ResponsiveProp

Grid component review

Now all of the custom properties have the type ResponsiveProp

Columns component review

New features

Breaking Changes


<Columns spacing={1}>
<Column units={6} offset={['right', 'right', 'none']}>{...}</Column>
<Column units={[3, 2, 1]}>{...}</Column>


<Columns space="1">
<Column units={6} offset={{ mobile: 'right', desktop: 'none'}}>
<Column units={{ mobile: 3, tablet: 2, desktop: 1 }}>


This component was removed in this release. You must use Stack now. We have a codemod to help you in this migration.

npx admin-ui-codemod set-to-stack